This section includes research into children and young peoples views on a number of subjects, including participation.More Results - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | - 98 Results |
'Fresh paint in their nostrils': consultations with children and young people on improving inspections. June 2004 to October 2004
BADHAM, B. and others (2004)London: National Children's Bureau, and National Youth Agency
Report presenting the findings of consultations that took place with children and young people across England on how they felt children's services inspections could be improved in the way they are conducted and in the way they help promote better outcomes for them. Children and young people aged between six and nineteen took part in eight events, some of whom were involved in planning and running the events themselves, developing material, and writing up sections of the report
'How come I don't get asked no questions?' Researching 'hard to reach' children and teenagers
CURTIS, K., and others (2004) Child & Family Social Work, vol.19, no.2 (May). pp167-175. Discusses two related areas of research practice with children and young people - working with children and teenagers for whom the traditional, discursive nature of interview-based research is less accessible; and the disinclination of researchers to report on difficulties in the research process.A fair hearing? Researching young people's involvement in the school exclusion process
TAYLOR, F. (2005).Leeds: Save the Children. 69pp.
Presents findings of a research study examining to what extent young people excluded from school had been involved in the exclusion process. Examined whether excluded pupils had been given the necessary information and support to facilitate their participation. Explored the impact of their level of involvement on attitudes, behaviour and motivations in relation to school and education. Looked at how a range of professionals working with young people would respond to the views of young people about their involvement in the exclusion process
A guide to actively involving young people in research: for researchers, research commissioners and managers
KIRBY, P. (2004). Eastleigh: Involve Research Consultancy. 32pp. This guide is about why and how to involve young people aged 12 to 21 years as researchers in health and social care research. It is aimed primarily at researchers and commissioners of research. Professionals working with young people will also find it useful, as may young people and parents. Looks at the benefits of involving young people; when and how to involve young people; power issues; identifying and supporting young research partners; the role of workers in supporting young people's involvement; ensuring young people's health, safety and wellbeing. ISBN: 0954121538Click here to Download
A picture in your head - a study of the perceptions and participation of children aged five to 12
JENTSCH, B. (no date) A Edinburgh, Children in Scotland (in association with the Scottish Arts Council), ISBN/ISSN: 1 901589 95 1 Price £3.70 (members £2.50)Report on a study which explored children's perceptions of and participation in the arts. It is based on a small-scale study which explored children's perceptions of and participation in the arts. It examines what the arts means to children and explores barriers to children and young people participating in the arts.
More Results - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | - 98 Results |