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Children and Young People in Recruitment

This section focuses on materials and resources for including children and young people in various aspects of recruitment ?– for example the interview process.

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A New Approach to Staff Interviews - pupil participation in the selection procedure

Extract from Scottish Schools Ethos Network, Newsletter 20, Winter 2002/3, Page 1.

Since 2001 Lawrence Sheriff School has involved members of the school council in the interviewing of staff. Rather than ask interviewees to teach a sample lesson, a process which is found to be rather artificial, staff are asked to spend half an hour being interviewed by four members of the school council. The four interviewers are elected by the council as a whole. Each council member asks the candidate two questions and there is also an opportunity for the candidate to ask the students questions. The student questions are checked beforehand by the Deputy Head to ensure suitability and to avoid duplication. Questions have been challenging and thoughtful, for example: "Why would I enjoy being in your lessons?" The chair of the panel then feeds back to members of the SMT before they interview the candidate (normally the Head, Deputy Head and a governor) and before making a recommendation about who should be appointed.

Whilst students only make a recommendation to the final interviewing panel, to date their comments have been extremely accurate, and in almost every case their nominee has been the person finally appointed..................

Contact (in 2003) Peter Kent, Lawrence Sheriff School, Clifton Road, Rugby CV21 3AG tel: 01788 542078 DOWNLOADABLE

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Involving young people in the recruitment of staff, volunteers and mentors

MICHEL, E., and HART, D. (2002). London: National Children's Bureau and The Prince's Trust. 122pp. This pack was produced to help organisations wishing to involve young people in the recruitment of their staff, volunteers or mentors. Primarily aimed at social care agencies providing services to children and young people, such as residential care settings or mentoring schemes for careleavers, it also has application to other settings such as schools or health services where children's participation is even less well developed.
ISBN: 1900990776. Price: £25.00

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Participation Works - How to Guides

These are a series of booklets that aim to provide practical information, useful tips and case studies of good participation practice, on several topics, which (at 1/08) are: How to safeguard children and young people (12pp); how to involve children and young people in recruitment and selection; how to use creative methods for participation. The Participation Works Enquiry Service can also send out copies: Tel: 0845 603 6725. E-mail: DOWNLOADABLE

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The participation of children and young people in the recruitment of residential child care staff in Scotland

KAY, H., and STEVENS, I. (2006) Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, vol.5, No.1 (Feb/Mar). pp57-65.
Following the publication of the Children's Safeguards Review, the Scottish Executive funded the Scottish Recruitment and Selection Consortium [SRSC] to contribute to the safeguards for children in residential care by developing guidance for the safer selection of staff. The SRSC also recommended that young people should be involved in the recruitment of staff and should participate in certain elements of the recruitment process. This paper focuses on the findings of research which looked at involving children and young people in recruitment and selection. A short introduction to this article, (and related material) can be read at:

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The Recruitment Pack

(2005) Save the Children and the Scottish Alliance for Childrens Rights

Should young people be involved in deciding who works with them? Do they have the right to be involved? How do you prepare young people to be on an interview panel?
This resource is for organisations wishing to involve children & young people in the recruitment and selection of the staff who work with them and in their interests.
The pack is based on practical experience from organisations and young people from across Scotland. It includes case studies and activities tried and tested by Save the Children to help readers to support and enable children and young people of any age to be involved through: Understanding the benefits of involving children and young people in staff recruitment and selection; working through some of the challenges and questions readers may face: understanding the key elements of the recruitment process; considering where and how readers may involve children and young people, and preparing young people to have a positive, meaningful experience. Copies of the pack cost £25 + £2.50 p.p. contact Joyce Sperber on

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