SCCYP Participation
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NHS Education for Scotland
NES helps provide better patient care by designing, commissioning, quality assuring and, where appropriate, providing education, training and lifelong learning for the NHS workforce in Scotland . One of their initiatives (and a section of their website) is about Child Health, and they report on 'Involving Children and Young People'.NES are working in partnership with Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP) to establish a Young Peoples Health Advisory Group (YPHAG) involved at a national level. Its core function will be to support and advise NES, SCCYP, the CYPHSG and the wider NHSScotland on organisational development issues, education, training and specific initiatives relating to healthcare matters as they affect children and young people. NES are also commissioning research on the progress and effectiveness of the YPHAG.
SCCYP 'Work with Us' section
SCCYP Reference Group
In Autumn 2006 SCCYP appointed 12 young people aged 14-21 to our Reference Group to advise us on all aspects of our work - from how best to get our message across to what those messages should be.SCCYP 'Work with Us' Section
Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum
The Forum is committed to raising awareness and promoting good throughcare and aftercare practice for young people leaving care.By consulting with and including the views of young people, practitioners and service providers, it will be able to identify & take forward relevant issues and influence positive developments. It has a FORUM online which promotes information sharing and discussion on a variety of issues that impact on young people who have been looked after and for those providing throughcare & aftercare support.
SCCYP has teamed up with the Forum to form a Care Action Group that will work towards promoting postive change in the care system.
SCCYP 'working with us' section
The Children's Parliament
This is a registered charity which aims to provide sustainable and meaningful opportunities for children of 14 and under to engage in local, national and international forums and decision-making processes. It aims to allow children to develop their self-confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem and to create opportunities for them to meet and give their views on what matters to them and what is happening in the world around them.SCCYP works in partnership with the Children's Parliament to access the views and opinions of children up to the age of 14. SCCYP has worked with children from the Children's Parliament in a number of ways:
Members of SCCYP's Participation Team work closely with three established Children's Parliament groups in Midlothian, South Ayrshire and the Western Isles. This includes taking part in monthly group sessions and attending the annual residential event where all the groups come together. So far, group members have helped SCCYP with a national consultation, recruiting the staff in the office, and advising on the website and publications. A number of children also recently interviewed candidates for SCCYP's Reference Group of young people.
SCCYP 'Work with us' section
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