This section includes references to a number of international participation projects and materials.More Results - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | - 54 Results |
Children's participation: the theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care.
HART, Roger, 1997. London. Unicef. Earthscan Publications Ltd ISBN: 1 85383 322 3Hart is an important author in the field of participation. This book is for those concerned with sustainable development, but have not worked with children? for educators , .. who want to know more practically about how to involve them in community development.. and in environmental projects. It is NOT a cookbook style manual. It emphasises that participation must be a dynamic constructive process with the score being built like jazz as the programme proceeds. It also looks at diverse cultures and social classes. For working with children and young people up to the age of about 14 years.
12 lessons learned from children's participation in the UN General Assembly Special Session on Children
INTERNATIONAL SAVE THE CHILDREN ALLIANCE (2004). London: International Save the Children Alliance. 32pp. Sets out the success and failures of children's participation during the UN General Assembly Special Session on children. Offers advice to people who are organising meetings, conferences or long term events that involve children's
An Introduction to Early Childhood A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
WALLER, T., (edit) (2005), Paul Chapman Educational Publishing, UK, 192pp. ISBN: 9781412910361 £16.99 Linking theory to multi-professional practice in the early years field, this book explores all the major themes of care and education in early childhood. Included are chapters on: children's learning; children's rights, child protection and children's health; inclusion and special educational needs; collaborative practice across education; health and social work; international perspectives on early childhood. Available from SAGE
Asylum, participation and the best interests of the child: new lessons from Norway
LIDEN, H., and RUSTEN, H. (2007) Children & Society, vol.21, no.4 (Jul). pp273-283.Children's right to participate in the decision-making process as stipulated in Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, may in practice come into conflict with the child's best interests. In Norway, participation is upheld through 'child conversations', that is, the recounting of experience of persecution, within the asylum process...
Being Young in Scotland: Scottish Government findings
BRAND, S. (MRUK Research), VIATTE, M.A., and MYANT, K (Scottish Government), (2008). Edinburgh. ISBN 9780755969678 (Web Only). (Education and Training Research Findings No.34/2008) 6ppThis paper presents findings from the third sweep of the Being Young in Scotland survey (BYIS). It included questions to school pupils aged 11-16, and to young people aged 17-25 about a wide range of topics, including Being Scottish, attitudes to immigration, and views on job prospects. e.g. Executive Summary When asked what issues they would like to be consulted on, their town/area and leisure facilities were identified as particularly important for both school pupils and young people.....Over 80% of all respondents said they never participated in pupil/youth forums/councils. DOWNLOADABLE.
The Scottish Government
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