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The Voices of Children and Young People

This section has materials on the views of children and young people across the UK.

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'Fresh paint in their nostrils': consultations with children and young people on improving inspections. June 2004 to October 2004

BADHAM, B. and others (2004)
London: National Children's Bureau, and National Youth Agency
Report presenting the findings of consultations that took place with children and young people across England on how they felt children's services inspections could be improved in the way they are conducted and in the way they help promote better outcomes for them. Children and young people aged between six and nineteen took part in eight events, some of whom were involved in planning and running the events themselves, developing material, and writing up sections of the report

'Learning to listen' - Young people and the police in Northern Ireland

HAMILTON, J., RADFORD, K., and JARMAN, N. (2004). Youth & Policy, no.84 (Summer). pp5-20. The rights and opinions of young people and the obligations of statutory agencies to consult them, have assumed greater importance with recent legislative changes in Northern Ireland. This paper looks at the attitudes and experiences of young people towards changes within the Northern Ireland policing system and raises issues about good practice and the participation of young people in consultation and policy development.

A contest to create media messages aimed at recruiting adolescents for stop smoking programs

CROGAN, I.T., and others (2004), Journal of School Health, vol.74, no.8 (Oct). pp325-334.
This project worked with adolescents and involved them in creating advertising messages aimed at recruiting adolescents to smoking cessation programmes. The quality of their work confirmed that adolescent use of the media can be effective in encouraging their smoking adolescent peers to enrol in smoking cessation programmes.

Action Plan 2006 - Involving Children and Young People

DEPARTMENT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS (2006) 22pp. (English-based, includes reference to the UK Youth Parliament). DOWNLOADABLE

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Action Research Toolkit

A practical guide to consultation with children and young people including techniques, preparation and analysing and using the findings to effect change. Created by Edinburgh Young Social Inclusion Partnership, (now ended). LAYC (Lothian Association of Youth Clubs) now hosts EYSIP materials. This one costs £15 plus £2.00 p and p., and can be ordered Tel: (0131) 667 1828, Fax: (0131) 667 9862 or email: Additionally recommended by a delegate at a conference on detached youth work.

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