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Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003

13th Mar 2007

This act provided for the establishment of a Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland. The Act also outlined the Commissioner's functions which include:

promoting and safeguarding rights;
having regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;
involving children and young people; and
carrying out investigations.

Amongst other work, the Commissioner's Office looks at the policies and practices of organisations and government bodies to ensure that they are consulting with young people on issues that affect them and do so in a child and young person friendly way.

Further Information

SCCYP has its own participation strategy that describes our approach for involving children and young people (CYP) in the work of SCCYP. It is practical, process-driven and sets out a series of concrete ways in which CYP which will be involved meaningfully in the work of SCCYP.

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