Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill
The draft Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill was introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 17 April.
The introduction of the Bill follows a consultation held by the Scottish Government last year.
The consultation set out a range of proposals for taking forward the Scottish Government’s ambitions for children’s rights and services.
We have detailed here all of the material and resources that were available during the consultation period, produced both by our office and partner organisations.
Below is a link to the Scottish Government’s latest information on the Bill, including details of the consultation.
Scottish Government Introduction to the Children and Young People Bill to Parliament
As the Bill progresses we will continue to add useful resources, papers and reports here.
Our consultation response
Our briefing papers
The purpose of this briefing is to share the Commissioner's preliminary analysis of those proposals made in A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill which relate to duties on Scottish Minsters and others on children’s rights.
The purpose of this briefing is to share the Commissioner's initial views of those sections within ‘A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill’ which relate to support for looked after children; corporate parenting, kinship care, adoption and fostering.
The purpose of this briefing is to share the Commissioner's emerging thinking in relation to the proposals to extend the Commissioner’s powers of investigation under s. 7 of the Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003 (asp 17) (‘the 2003 Act’), which are being canvassed in the Scottish Government’s current consultation on proposals for a Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill.
The purpose of this briefing is to share the Commissioner's preliminary analysis of those sections within 'A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill' which relate to proposals for a new focus on well-being; better service planning and delivery; improved reporting on outcomes; the named person and the child's plan.
The purpose of this briefing is to share the Commissioner's emerging thinking in relation to the proposals on early learning and childcare within 'A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill'.
Feedback from the sector
Children in Scotland’s view: The Children & Young People Bill
As the national agency representing over 400 organisations working with children, young people and their families across Scotland, Children in Scotland is in the challenging but fortunate position of being able to gather a range of views and ideas on the Bill from local authorities to large and small providers of children’s services and those of committed individuals.
Together - Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights: Children and Young People Bill briefing
This briefing is to inform responses to the Children and Young People Bill consultation. It specifically looks at the questions contained in Chapter One of the consultation and the Scottish Government's proposals around children's rights and wellbeing. It has been put together following wide discussion with a range of organisations across the voluntary and public sector and through the Together/Children in Scotland children's rights working group.
Play Scotland: Plans for new Children and Young People Bill Petition
Play Scotland is calling on the Scottish Government to include a Statutory Duty for Play in this new Bill. This could place a Duty on local authorities to provide sufficient and satisfying play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities.
Consultation tools for children and young people
Young Scot Says Who - Children and Young People Bill
The Scottish Government have asked Young Scot and the Scottish Youth Parliament to carry out a consultation with children and young people on the new Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill. It's vital that children and young people's voices are heard, so if you're aged between 11 and 25 years old, or care for children and young people in this age bracket, please follow the link above.
The deadline for responses is Monday 17th September 2012.
Children's Parliament tools to engage children in the consultation on the Children and Young People Bill
To help you involve children in this consultation Children’s Parliament has published a series of activities you can use/adapt to suit the child or children you know or work with; then you will be able to submit their views to the Scottish Government.