Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People

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a RIGHT blether

a RIGHT blether was the national consultation undertaken by Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People in 2010. It provided an opportunity for children and young people across Scotland to say what was important in their lives and to take part in a national vote. A total of 74,059 votes were received.

The results of a RIGHT blether have now been announced and Tam will be travelling around Scotland in the coming months to share these results with as many people as possible.

During these visits Tam will speak about the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and his role as the Commissioner. He will listen to what the results mean to children and young people and explain how the results will influence his work over the next four years.

To help prepare groups and classes for these visits Tam’s team has created a pre-visit workshop called ‘How Much Do You Know?’ to affirm understanding of the UNCRC and Tam’s role, to provide feedback on the results of a RIGHT blether and prepare questions to ask Tam during his visit.

This pack can be used in conjunction with the Rights Resource Pack, a series of workshops and creative materials, designed especially for children and young people to help them learn about the UNCRC. If you haven’t already used them the workshops are very helpful in introducing and exploring rights with pupils.

Thank you again for your support and if you would like further information about Tam’s visits or any of our resources please just get in touch. 

Rights resources

Workshops and creative activities to help children and young people understand the UNCRC and the role of Tam