Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People

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Nursery children make the news ― and the weather

The News and Weather is a short film created by children from six nurseries in Falkirk and East Glasgow.

Commissioner: new Bill ‘must not be missed opportunity’

Tam gives his view on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill.

Break into books with the Young Writers Awards

If you’re between 14 and 17, live in Scotland and have a passion for writing, the Young Writers Awards can give you the chance to work with a professional author.

Nancy Ovens Trust to celebrate great play spaces

If you or your organisation has created a great place for children to play outdoors, you may have the chance to win an award from a national charity.

New report gathers child protection data

The NSPCC has published a new report compiling the most up-to-date child protection data in existence for each of the four nations in the UK.

Subscribe to our e-newsletter today.


In this section you can find resources prepared by the team of Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People.

These have been designed to provide opportunities for children and young people to relate the rights as set out in the UNCRC to their own lives and the lives of others.

The Golden Rules for Participation

The Golden Rules for Participation are a set of principles designed to help anyone working with, and for, children and young people. 

Their purpose is to remind adults of what participation means from the point of view of children and young people, and to encourage children and young people to think about what they need from adults to support them to participate.

UK Commissioners resource pack

This resource pack was prepared in 2011 by the four UK Children's Commissioners for those working with children and young people.

Rights resources

These workshops and creative extras were designed especially for children and young people to help them learn about the UNCRC and the role of Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People.

UNCRC illustrated guide

To raise awareness of children's rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), we have commissioned two illustrated versions of the articles of the UNCRC.

Children's rights impact assessments - SCCYP model

We have developed a model for carrying out children’s rights impact assessment to facilitate the review of law, policy and practice.

Workshop materials

Each workshop has been tried and tested in a range of settings and can be run as a series or just a one off session.

Useful links

The majority of these links are designed for children and young people. Others contain information for those caring for, working with, or on behalf of children and young people.


If you can't find what you are looking for here, please get in touch.

For children and young people

We produce loads of great reports and documents on a range of issues that are important to children and young people in Scotland

Annual accounts & reports

Here you can find our published Annual Accounts and Annual Reports

Consultation responses

You can find here details of all the consultation responses we have published

Parliamentary evidence

You will find here our written and oral evidence submitted to Scottish Parliament on Bills, responses to Public Petitions, and responses to Parliamentary Inquiries


Here you will find downloadable copies of all our reports published from 2007 - 2012.

Policy briefings

Here you will find details of all briefing documents produced by our Policy team on behalf of the Commissioner's office

Speeches and presentations

Here you will find presentations, speeches and conference material delivered on behalf of Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People from 2009 onwards

Net aware?

Here at SCCYP we know how important it is to keep you safe online