Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People

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Policy briefings

Here are details of all briefing documents produced by our Policy team on behalf of the Commissioner's office, (listed by publication date).

  • Policy Briefing: Scottish Parliament Debate on Human Trafficking
    February 2012. In 2011 the Commissioner's office published a report, Scotland – a safe place for child traffickers, which was based on research carried out by the Centre for Rural Childhood at the University of Highlands and Islands. This briefing focuses specifically on issues that the report, and  the Commissioner's office subsequent work, has identified as being of relevance to the Scottish Government's role. It offers concrete actions that the Scottish Government and others should take to address the current issues. 
  • Policy Briefing: Proposed Rights of Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill
    November 2011.  The purpose of this briefing from the Commissioner is to inform and assist those who are considering the current consultation proposals and any future legislation. It outlines the main features of the Scottish Government's proposals and highlights several areas where the proposals can and should be improved.