Symbols resource

The 7 Golden Rules for Participation are a set of principles that can:

  • remind adults what children and young people want from participation
  • help children and young people think about how adults can support them to participate.

The Golden Rules were developed through consultation with adult practitioners, and children and young people.

About the resource

The Golden Rules Symbol resource has been designed by the Commissioner through working with Widgit Software, professionals from Glasgow City Council, and children and young people. It has been designed as a communication tool for children and young people who:

  • are non-verbal
  • have speech and language difficulties
  • have additional support needs.

The resource can also be used to help communicate ideas and information about participation to very young children.

What the resource is for

The Golden Rules Symbol resource has been designed to:

  • complement the Seven Golden Rules for Participation pack
  • enhance children and young people’s understanding of what participation means to them, and how they can be supported to participate in all
  • encourage children and young people to explore how they are supported to participate in different situations
  • motivate and encourage children and young people to communicate their views and feelings
  • be personalised to suit the needs of individual children and young people
  • focus on relevant and meaningful communication.

What the resource contains

The symbols resource contains:

A Golden Rules pack

A set of Golden Rules cards intended to remind adults what children and young people want from participation. Facilitators are advised to familiarise themselves with the pack before using the symbols resource.

Golden Rules cards

A set of A4 cards, each of which has one of the Golden Rules alongside its associated symbols on the front. Card backs also have text descriptions of the relevant Golden Rule that can be used as a reminder for facilitators or as a tool for children and young people to develop their literacy skills.

A conversation board

An A3 board that can be used as a mat for conversation cards.

Conversation cards

A box of cards showing the Golden Rules symbols, the title of each Golden Rule and a collection of useful communication symbols. These cards are designed to be used along with the conversation board as a tool for children and young people to build upon a conversation and explore each Golden Rule in more detail.

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