Current work

The Participation and Education Team work to make sure that all Scotland's children and young people have a chance to communicate with the Commissioner and to talk about the issues that matter to them.

The team do this directly and also through working with other organisations and clubs that work for children and young people.

The current work of the office includes:

Golden Rules for Participation: Symbols resource

The team has worked to turn the 7 Golden Rules for Participation into a symbols resource for children and young people who may:

  • be non-verbal
  • have speech and language difficulties
  • have additional support needs.

They can also be used to help communicate ideas about participation to very young children.

The resource has been designed to:

  • Complement the participation pack for the Golden Rules
  • Enhance children and young people’s understanding of what participation means to them
  • Enhance children and young people’s understanding of how they can be supported to participate in all aspects of their life
  • Encourage children and young people to explore how they are supported to participate in different situations
  • Motivate and encourage children and young people to communicate their views and feelings
  • Be personalised to suit the needs of individual children or young people
  • Focus on relevant and meaningful communication.

Find out more about the symbols resource.

Flushed With Success?

The team is currently working with Dean Park Primary, who are working on an active enquiry into the condition of their school toilets. The school is helping the team create a Flushed With Success? pack as part of the process, which will be available on our website soon.

Find out more about Flushed With Success?