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SCCYP Image Gallery

Children's Version | Young People's Version

If you would like to use the illustrations as part of your work, we ask you to first read the following guidelines carefully. They set out how we envisage the images being used. (We have tried to keep any restrictions to a minimum, but we have imposed a few very necessary conditions on their use.)

Conditions of Usage

You are free to use and copy these illustrations, subject to the following conditions:

  • SCCYP and Alex Leonard should be clearly acknowledged whenever the illustrations are used. (When you download a digital version of the images, the SCCYP (speech bubble) and ?“Alex Leonard?” are automatically included). These should logos should never be separated from the images.
  • Please do not cut and paste the SCCYP and Alex Leonard logos so that they appear elsewhere in your leaflet/materials ?– unless you have our express permission to do so. (Using our logo in such a way may give the impression that we have endorsed the content of your materials).
  • the SCCYP illustrations should be used purely for the purposes of increasing awareness of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children?’s rights in general and/or the work of SCCYP.
  • there is no limit to how many of the images you can use and they can be freely photocopied or reproduced without formal permission (subject to the basic conditions of usage outlined here).
  • the images are designed to be used for educational purposes only and they should not be used for any commercial purposes - i.e. to generate profit. (This includes, for example, a not-for-profit organisation attempting to use the images in fundraising materials).
  • the illustrations should not be used in such a way that would compromise the Commissioner?’s political independence (e.g. as part of promotional materials for a particular political party)
  • the images should not be significantly altered from the originals in any way (e.g. digitally manipulated) without our express permission. Great care has been taken to ensure that the images accurately represent the Articles of the UN Convention. We have also tried to ensure that the images are diverse and representative of a wide range of children and young people living in Scotland. We hope, therefore, that in the majority of cases you would be able to use the images in their current format.

Please note that these conditions apply to the UNCRC images created by Alex Leonard only.

Other images on the SCCYP website and in SCCYP publications are subject to copyright restrictions and therefore should not be copied/re-produced without SCCYP?’s express permission.

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