Research: Participation in school helps pupils do well

Tuesday 10 February

Schools that encourage young people to participate in how they’re run are also schools where pupils do well, suggests new research conducted for Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People.

How Young People’s Participation in School Supports Achievement and Attainment interviewed pupils at seven schools with higher than expected exam results in catchment areas within more deprived areas of Scotland.

The research aimed to find out if schools were addressing pupils’ participation and rights in ways that were distinctively supportive of pupil achievement and attainment.

It found that pupils did well regardless of money or other factors.

It also found that pupils in all seven schools:

  • had substantial opportunities to formally and informally take part in activities
  • were able to take responsibility for events
  • could make contributions to school life
  • had their views considered in matters that affected them.

Speaking about the research, the Commissioner said:

How Young People’s Participation in School Supports Achievement and Attainment provides welcome evidence that children's rights should not be an add on in any school, but embedded throughout.
“It demonstrates that young people value strong relationships between pupils and teachers as key to helping them ‘do well’ at school, regardless of their backgrounds or how much money their families have.
“My message is that a rights-based education which includes opportunities for engagement in real decision making is a good underpinning for raising achievement and attainment.”

Read How Young People’s Participation in School Supports Achievement and Attainment.

Further research

Read the literature review that informed the research.

Read the Ipsos MORI report that informed the research.

Read a summary of research from ScotCen that informed the research.